Benison IVF – Infertility Specialist

Blastocyst transfer is a new development in IVF treatment. Blastocyst is a matured embryo formed after five to six days when the egg and sperm fertilise. At this blastocyst stage, the embryo is ready for implantation in the uterine wall. The blastocyst transfer procedure increases the chances of pregnancy. At the same time, the blastocyst stage decreases the chances of multiple pregnancies. Blastocyst transfer is the advanced assisted reproductive technology (ART) used in the fertility treatment to treat infertility.

Benison IVF and health care clinics have earned a solid reputation for offering top-grade IVF treatment. Connect with us to get information about our fertility services.

What Do You Mean By A Blastocyst?

A blastocyst is a highly differentiated embryo. At this stage, the embryo becomes ready for implantation in the uterine wall.

In natural pregnancies, your ovary follicle releases the egg that is again picked up by the fallopian tube. Then, it fertilises with the sperm. The embryo formed is initially a single cell. The embryo develops until it reaches the stage where it can attach itself to the uterine to initiate the pregnancy.

The embryo divides itself from one to hundreds of cells. The embryo at this stage has developed into a blastocyst. The embryo reaches the blastocyst stage after five to six days of fertilisation. In simplified terms, the blastocyst is the development stage of the embryo just before implantation.

What Is The Blastocyst Transfer In The IVF Treatment?

Blastocyst transfer is the latest assisted reproductive technology. In modern reproductive treatment, it has gained much popularity in in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment. It is the most potent treatment to increase pregnancy rates. We apply the latest techniques so that you can achieve a healthy pregnancy and cut the risk of multiple pregnancies.

Significance of blastocysts in IVF 

At the blastocyst transfer in the IVF process, the growing baby’s genes activate. This stage is known as “genomic activation”. Every gene has a different chemical code, making every individual’s features varied. Each baby’s genetic mixture of their fathers and mothers makes them different from their parents and siblings. The embryo receives the energy and chemical makeup for the matured cells developed from the mother’s egg. The embryo’s development past the third or fourth day of the implantation is mature enough for cell differentiation and division.

However, the biological process is complicated as one-third of the embryos can successfully activate their own genes and develop into a blastocyst. When an embryo reaches the blastocyst stage, doctors consider it a biologically healthier embryo. The embryo can be successfully implanted in the uterus and develop into a full-term pregnancy. The fertility specialists at Benison IVF and health care clinic have many years of experience performing blastocyst transfer.

How Is Blastocyst Transfer New To  IVF Treatment?

In conventional IVF technology, the embryo is transferred a little earlier into the uterus than in natural pregnancy. Usually, the embryo remains in the fallopian tube, gets divided and grows there and reaches the uterus after three to four days of the embryo’s development.

In the early stages of IVF technology, there were no mediums or lab incubation techniques for developing embryos into blastocysts. Since then, with evolution in technology and development, it has become possible for the embryo to reach the blastocyst stage and then transfer to the uterus. Contact Benison IVF and health care clinic to learn about the blastocyst transfer technique.

Blastocyst embryo transfer procedure 

After egg retrieval, fertility specialists generally prefer transferring the embryo on the second or third day. The process is done at the IVF’s fourth to eighth cell stage.

The following is the procedure of the blastocyst transfer in the uterine wall:

  • Ovarian stimulation: Certain medication stimulates the ovary to promote follicle growth. The response of your ovary is monitored via ultrasound and blood tests. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is injected to trigger the ovarian stimulation process.

  • Egg retrieval: The egg retrieval process is done 35-38 hours after the ovarian stimulation. The patient is sedated for the egg retrieval process.

  • Selection of Sperm: High-quality, motile sperm are collected for fertilisation.

  • Fertilisation: The sperm is washed, concentrated, and injected into the eggs using the intracytoplasmic injection (ICSI) four hours after egg retrieval. The dishes containing the inseminated eggs are placed into an incubator and checked after 16-18 hours to see if fertilisation has happened. Embryos are cultured in lab for five days as they reach the blastocyst stage.

  • Embryo transfer: The embryo that will be transferred is loaded into a transfer catheter. The catheter is passed through the cervix into the uterus. Once the embryo transfer is done, the catheter is gently removed. Typically, one/two embryo is transferred in the blastocysts IVF process.

Contact us without thinking twice to learn about the details of the blastocysts transfer procedure. Look for the Benison IVF reviews to learn what thousands of satisfied couples say about our fertility treatments.

Advantages of blastocyst transfer in IVF

Having shown proven and positive results, blastocyst transfer has remarkable advantages over the regular IVF treatment procedure. Some of the main advantages are:

  • Embryo implantation into the uterine wall occurs at the blastocyst stage.

  • As reproductive endocrinologists directly implant the embryo inside the womb, pregnancy prospects are higher than other fertility techniques.

  • Genetic testing done in the blastocyst transfer process is more accurate in getting a healthy pregnancy.

Culturing the embryos in the blastocyst transfer process is the most crucial and is highly dependent on the potential of the individual embryo. We have the best reproductive endocrinologists and staff on our team to offer you the most effective blastocyst transfer IVF treatment. Connect with us if you are searching for a reliable IVF centre near me.

What Does A Blastocyst Look Like?

When examined under a microscope, an embryo at the blastocyst stage looks entirely different from a day-three embryo. A blastocyst consists of a fluid-filled cavity or blastocoel in the middle. It also consists of the inner cell mass or the to-be foetus. The third assortment of cells in the blastocyst, near the central cavity, will form the placenta.

We at Benison IVF have the top infertility specialists to assist you in the entire IVF treatment. We pride ourselves as a part of the leading fertility centres offering best-in-class fertility services at affordable prices.

Are The Chances Of Success Higher With Blastocyst Transfer Than With Other IVF Pregnancies?

Do you know the success rate of blastocyst transfer? Generally speaking, if you are above 35, live birth rates after blastocyst transfer are higher than after cleavage-stage (earlier) transfers. Pregnancy rates are 20% higher in cases of blastocyst transfer than in other clinical IVF treatments. Single embryo transfer is most common in blastocyst transfers. The extended cultivation technology and cryopreservation used in blastocyst transfer lead to better-quality embryos. In some instances, fertility specialists transfer two or more embryos.

Get in touch with the best IVF specialist in India at Benison IVF. With decades of experience in the field, we have garnered the trust of many couples in providing the most satisfactory treatment.

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