Benison IVF – Infertility Specialist

Infertility is one of the most distressing experiences for couples who seek pregnancy. Infertility can be caused due to varied reasons like poor ovarian reserve, menstrual cycle disorders, lifestyle choices, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and many more. Poor ovarian reserve or diminished ovarian reserve is one of the main causes of infertility in women all across the world. Extensive knowledge of the main reason behind the condition, timely diagnosis, and quick management are vital for women to achieve fertility and reduce the need for egg donation.

The ovaries are a crucial component of the sophisticated reproductive system of a woman. The ovaries produce the eggs that are responsible for giving rise to life. Many women undergo infertility issues due to poor ovarian reserve. This condition can be strenuous and emotionally exhausting, but the right information and knowledge can help people navigate properly and more confidently. This article examines the definition of diminished ovarian reserve, its symptoms, causes, and effective therapies.

What Is An Ovarian Reserve?

The ovarian reserve of a woman is the estimated number of oocytes or eggs that she carries in her ovaries. The ovarian reserve is an indicator of a woman’s fertility. According to an NCBI report, generally, a healthy female contains around 400,000 primordial follicles at the beginning of puberty. Each of which consists of an immature egg, out of these only around 300 to 400 follicles reach maturity during the reproductive span of an adult female. The remaining follicles are lost due to apoptosis.

Let us understand what is the meaning of Poor Ovarian reserve

What Is A Poor Ovarian Reserve?

Age plays a predominant factor in determining the fertility of a woman, implying egg quality and quantity. The quality and quantity directly determine the woman’s ability to conceive a baby. Every woman has a peak time for producing eggs, and the capability of ovulation tends to decrease as she reaches menopause. Therefore, fertility diminishes with age and even the quality of eggs. Fertility usually is the highest in the ages of 20 and 30s but after that egg quantity and quality decrease. That is the reason young women take less time to conceive as compared to an aged woman. It is after the age of 37, that fertility decreases drastically.

What Causes Poor Ovarian Reserve?

The ovarian reserve of a woman decreases naturally with increasing age. However, the rate of diminished ovarian reserve varies from woman to woman. Some women might maintain a high ovarian reserve, leading to fertility even through their 40s, while some women at the same time might showcase a declining ovarian reserve even in their 20s. Whereas an increase in age can be a reason behind the poor ovarian reserve, genetic as well as environmental factors cannot be neglected for the same.

We have listed some more causes of Poor or declining Ovarian Reserve

  • Advanced maternal age
  • Pelvic infections such as tuberculosis, and many other
  • Smoking
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Mumps oophoritis
  • Previous ovarian surgery
  • Tubal diseases
  • Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy
  • Genetic abnormalities
  • Environmental factors

Symptoms of Low Ovarian Reserve

Low ovarian reserve symptoms appear gradually with time. However, as the condition progresses, women may witness certain signs that need attention. It is necessary to acknowledge them. These symptoms can overlap with other reproductive or hormonal issues, therefore it is important to consult a medical expert for a correct diagnosis. Some of the manifestations of low ovarian reserve are-

  • Absent or Irregular Menstrual cycles- certain changes in the regularity of the menstrual cycles, shorter or longer cycles, could signal the possibility of low ovarian reserve.
  • Abnormal Bleeding- uncertain bleeding patterns, such as heavier or lighter periods, could imply an underlying issue.
  • Struggles in Fertility- problems in conceiving despite having regular unprotected intercourse may indicate diminished ovarian reserve.
  • Fluctuating Hormones- hormonal fluctuations might point towards low ovarian reserve, such as flashes, mood changes, and night sweats.
  • Decreasing egg quality- miscarriages and infertility due to diminishing egg quality can be some of the implications of lower ovarian reserve in women.

Why Is Ovarian Reserve Testing Vital?

Any woman’s ovarian reserve is interlinked with her fertility power. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to check the ovarian reserves of women who are facing difficulty in conceiving naturally or who are delaying childbearing. This assessment is helpful in fertility treatment.

What Are The Effective Treatments?

Low Ovarian Reserve can be challenging and stressful all at the same time, but medical science offers many effective treatments to help people overcome fertility issues. It is advisable to consult fertility specialists who can pave the way to individual needs and requirements. Some of the well-established treatments are-

  • In-Vitro Fertilization- In the in-vitro fertilization procedure, the ovaries are stimulated to produce eggs. These eggs are then collected and fertilized in a laboratory, and implanted in a woman’s uterus. This method is beneficial for enhancing the chances of conceiving. This method is beneficial for women with less or poor ovarian reserve.
  • Egg Donation- This consists of using the donor’s egg with a healthy ovarian reserve. The uterus receives the fertilized donor eggs.
  • Treatment for Infertility- Some medications, like gonadotropins, can help stimulate the ovaries for egg production, raising the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
  • Expert Consultation- it is very crucial to consult an endocrinologist or fertility expert. These healthcare experts can examine individual situations and then suggest the right strategy for the patient.

How To Reduce The Risk Of Poor Ovarian Reserve?

There is less possibility to prevent diminished or poor ovarian reserve because many of the causes are out of control. Still, certain things you can try to maintain the quality of your eggs include maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding the usage of tobacco products like cigarettes.

Is IVF Successful With Low Or Diminished Ovarian Reserve?

The success rate of the IVF procedure completely depends on the cause and level of the low ovarian reserve. It varies from individual to individual how your body will react to fertility medication. Like natural pregnancies, your success rate with IVF declines as you age. If the screening test shows that you have low or diminished ovarian reserve, you are most likely to respond less to the ovarian stimulation medication, but you should try them. You should also discuss this with your fertility specialist.

Quick tips to avoid poor ovarian reserve from our doctor

  • Quit smoking
  • Manage your stress with meditation or exercise
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Consult a doctor and take supplements prescribed

Final Take away

Low ovarian reserve can be challenging for many. But the right guidance and accurate knowledge on the same can help. It is advisable to consult a skilled and experienced medical expert who can find a way through in achieving your dream of parenthood. The individual suffering from poor ovarian reserve can come closer to the objective of becoming a parent by knowing the causes, of its symptoms, and studying the low ovarian reserve treatment.

Benison IVF and Healthcare Clinic has been serving patients in matters related to infertility and its issues for many years now. If you are looking forward to expanding your family then Do Contact Us and Book your Consultation today!

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