Benison IVF – Infertility Specialist

IVF or In Vitro fertilization is a process, in which the couple needs to undergo various steps or stages of IVF. Embryo transfer is one of the last stages of IVF treatment where the couple is close to their goal of becoming a parent. After all those efforts of getting an appointment, blood tests, medications to injections, there are only a few weeks to wait before your final pregnancy test.

After embryo transfer proper care and follow-ups are necessary so that the ultimate goal of getting pregnant can be achieved. Many doctors suggest to relax but what does it mean? And what to do after a successful embryo transfer? Let us discuss below.

What Is The IVF Embryo Transfer?

Embryo transfer is the final stage of the IVF or In vitro fertilization treatment. In IVF procedure, doctors stimulate the ovaries to produce healthier eggs. After this, the eggs are collected from the woman’s ovaries and then fertilized in a laboratory. Once the eggs are fertilized, they turn into an embryo, which is then transferred into the woman’s uterus. For pregnancy, the embryo should attach itself to the wall of the uterus known as implantation.

What Happens After Embryo Transfer?

Once the embryo transfer has taken place inside the uterus of a woman, the uterine lining known as endometrium initiates to interact with the embryo by sending messages back and forth. The immune factors work so that the embryo is facing the right direction while adhesion molecules comfort the embryo placing it into the right place. After the successful implantation, the embryo then continues to grow and incorporates into the endometrium where it can start to get its supply of blood.

What To Do After Embryo Transfer To Increase The Chances Of Pregnancy?

Management of Stress

It is of utmost importance to be stress and anxiety-free, especially after the embryo transfer. Constant stress and feelings of anxiousness may lead to high blood pressure and can adversely affect hormones and blood flow. It can also affect sleeping patterns in many. A guided meditation and practice of self-care would be beneficial, spending time in nature would help freshen and uplift the mood. Focus on yourself and self-care and manage the stress efficiently.

Healthy diet and lifestyle choices

It is mandatory to maintain a healthy diet consisting of foods that are good sources of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats that are responsible for making hormones. Investing in proteins that are broken down into the building blocks for the embryo. Avoid red meat, junk, and fried foods that are inflammatory, and regulate the intake of processed sugar and carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pastries. You must indulge in foods that help keep your blood sugar and insulin levels regulated to ensure that the embryonic and fetal development stays on track.

Avoid vigorous physical activity-

After embryo transfer, avoid any sort of strenuous exercises that can strain the body physically and mentally. Below are some of the precautions to be taken after embryo transfer in IVF in terms of physical activities-

  • Avoid bending, jumping, running, swimming, or lifting heavy weights before or after the embryo transfer in the period of pregnancy.
  • Excessive workouts can adversely affect the child’s growth and development and can lead to complications in pregnancy.

Rather indulge in light exercise like walking, yoga, or meditation. Regular practice of yoga asana and pranayama under expert guidance can benefit and improve the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

What Are The Early Signs Of Pregnancy After Embryo Transfer?

IVF treatment requires patience and awareness at every level, it takes almost two weeks for the first sign of pregnancy symptoms after a successful embryo transfer procedure. Some of these signs are-

  • Cramping- cramping is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy. Some patients might experience cramping that might last seven to ten days after fertilization. If cramps ever become severe immediately consult the doctor to avoid any sort of complications. If cramping is severe or lasts longer, it might be the case of hyperstimulation syndrome/ ovarian torsion/ectopic pregnancy.
  • Skipped Period cycle- A skipped menstrual cycle is the foremost indication of pregnancy, whether the conception was natural or assisted by IVF. The absence of periods is a strong indicator of a successful embryo transfer especially when your periods are always on time.
  • Bleeding- spotting or bleeding can sometimes occur after embryo transfer which might happen in the first three to five days. Spotting confirms that the implantation of the embryo has been successful and has attached itself to the uterine wall lining. Apart from this spotting might occur due to hormone medications like progesterone but not necessarily pregnancy. Therefore, it becomes necessary to consult the doctor for the final judgment.
  • Tiredness and lethargy-this is a positive sign as fatigue and tiredness occur due to an increase in the progesterone levels. Due to this many women may experience tiredness. However, a clear judgment can not be driven from this sign as there could be many possible reasons for tiredness in a woman’s body.
  • Bloating- Post-embryo transfer bloating is a good sign that indicates the embryo is developing healthily and has implanted right. Bloating is considered the natural process in which the body feels as if it is filled up with fluid. Nevertheless, bloating can be one of the signs of pregnancy.
  • Nausea- nausea can be triggered due to smells or odors that can be manifested in the form of morning sickness. Nausea symptoms can be mild or severe depending on person to person. It also subsides by the fourth month, but some women might experience it throughout pregnancy as well.
  • Sore Breasts- sore breasts are yet another sign of embryo implantation that is successful as pregnancy causes them to become tender. The woman can feel tingling or darkening of the areolas. During the 14-day wait period hormone medications can also cause tender breasts.

When To Reach Out To The Doctor?

It is mandatory to be in constant touch with your doctor and healthcare team. Always prioritize your health and well-being and be regular with your follow-ups and appointments with the doctor. The correct and guided follow-ups will help you sail through your pregnancy and will be beneficial in avoiding any future pregnancy complications. Hence, constant touch, regular follow-ups, and religiously following everything your doctor prescribes will help you in the long run.

Final Takeaway

Embryo transfer is an important step in your journey towards parenthood. It is a moment where proper guidance with a touch of care is crucial for the final achievement of pregnancy. Embryo transfer is the final stage after which your care and regular follow-ups would help you attain your dream of becoming a parent and having a child.

If you have any queries related to IVF, ICSI, or fertility in general, you can come in touch with our team at Benison IVF and Healthcare Clinic. Our team is 24×7 available at your service via phone or website.

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