Benison IVF – Infertility Specialist

Modern-day science has given women plentiful alternatives than ever when we talk about their bodies and reproductive rights. For women, as well as couples, who want to delay getting pregnant or who are facing difficulties in becoming pregnant, there are alternative conception techniques out there. All credit to advancements in egg retrieval and embryo freezing.

Embryo-freezing means freezing and storing fertilised eggs for later use. The process is also called cryopreservation. It is generally used with fertility treatments like IVF (in vitro fertilisation) to form embryos. It can aid people in preserving fertility and conceiving in the coming years. It is beneficial for those undergoing cancer treatment or gender transition.

Egg freezing is a process a woman chooses to preserve eggs to postpone pregnancy. In this method, also called oocyte cryopreservation, Benison IVF doctors generally advise you to get hormone injections for 8 to 10 days. It is primarily for the stimulation of your ovaries and the production of multiple fertile eggs. Once you produce enough fertile eggs, they will be ready for extraction. The doctor will retrieve the eggs via transvaginal ultrasound aspiration. The retrieval procedure takes around 15 to 20 minutes and requires conscious anaesthesia. As soon as the eggs are retrieved, they are frozen via slow freezing or vitrification.

It may be confusing to decide between egg and embryo freezing. Both have pros and cons; one option can be better based on your situation and goals. At Benison IVF and health care clinic, we provide the best infertility treatments at competitive rates. We will help you understand which method would be appropriate in your case. We aim to offer painless therapy considering all your needs and hopes.

When To Choose Embryo Freezing?

The procedure of freezing and storing embryos for later usage is what embryo freezing is all about. An embryo is formed after a sperm fertilises an egg. It is a method for helping those with fertility and reproduction issues. Treatments like IVF and ICSI are used for creating embryos. You can freeze extra embryos formed during the procedure and keep them for later use in the following situations:

  • If you wish to delay IVF treatment to a later date.
  • If you need a backup in case your early fertility treatments did not work.
  • Rather than disposing of unwanted embryos, you choose to give them to researchers or other women trying to get pregnant.
  • If you delay or cancel implantation into the uterus once an egg is already fertilised.

Let us now learn the difference between egg freezing and embryo freezing.

Egg Freezing Vs Embryo Freezing

A fertilised egg is frozen in the embryo cryopreservation procedure. Though, in the process of egg freezing, the unfertilised eggs are frozen for later use.

Both preservation techniques adhere to a similar approach. First, the ovaries of the patient are stimulated using medications to produce multiple healthy eggs. To know when the ovaries are ready for egg retrieval, our specialists at Benison IVF keep track of egg development.

The eggs are later taken from the body in a minor surgical process and transmitted to our embryology lab for testing. Following the assessment, nearly 3-quarters of retrieved eggs are often considered mature and healthy to form an embryo while fertilised via IVF.

In the method of egg freezing, the eggs that are most mature and of good quality are cryopreserved following the retrieval. The eggs may be defrosted later and fertilised using sperm. The sperm can be from a partner or a donor (known or anonymous). Remember that not every egg of yours will turn into an embryo after defrosting and fertilisation.

The major distinction in embryo freezing is that following the retrieval step, an egg undergoes fertilisation with sperm in a laboratory.  Expectedly, the eggs will become embryos. The ones turned into embryos are frozen, and this fundamentally completes two-thirds of an IVF treatment process. The frozen embryos might be defrosted and used later in the embryo implantation procedure.

Procedure after Embryo Freezing

Our fertility specialist at Benison IVF will follow these steps when the frozen embryos are needed:

  • Embryo removal from the liquid nitrogen.
  • Giving them time to regain their normal temperature slowly.
  • Soaking of the embryos for taking out the CPA (cryoprotectant agent).
  • Utilisation of the embryos in the way specified (for example, placing them into the uterus).

Pros of Embryo Cryopreservation

Embryo-freezing aids people in conceiving later in life if they are having difficulty in the current situation. These may include:

  • Infertility problems
  • Advancing age
  • Gender transition
  • Therapies that might harm fertility
  • Future military deployment
  • Women with no partner or spouse concerned regarding advancing age

Cons of Embryo Cryopreservation

Embryo cryopreservation does not raise the risks of congenital disabilities or health-related issues with its pregnancies. Growth limitation, low birth weight, preterm delivery, and perinatal death rates are low in frozen-thawed embryo outcomes research. Here are the major risks involved in embryo cryopreservation:

  • Embryo damage in the freezing procedure.
  • Embryos that aren’t workable for freezing.
  • Possibilities of twins or triplets due to the implantation of more than one embryo.
  • Greater possibilities of medical problems such as placenta accreta spectrum and preeclampsia in pregnancy.
  • Inability to conceive following embryo thawing and implantation.

Egg Freezing Procedure

People undergoing IVF treatment at Benison IVF and those with egg freezing experience similar preliminary processes. The procedure of egg freezing involves preparation for IVF using younger eggs in the future. Following four days of hormone treatment for promoting egg proliferation, the eggs are taken out one by one using a needle on the 5th day. The eggs are later dehydrated to prevent ice crystals formation that may cause damage to the eggs.

Also, the eggs are placed in storage containers and frozen in liquid nitrogen after getting cleaned using water and chemical solvents. This solution can keep them fresh for about a decade.

Pros of Egg Freezing

Listed below are some advantages of choosing egg freezing.

  • The patient is in control

Sperms during egg freezing aren’t needed throughout the procedure. That’s the reason egg freezing gives numerous options. It is extremely beneficial if you are single and seeking a sperm donor. So, it is indisputably true that the egg-freezing procedure puts you in your control.

  • Freezing time

Unquestionably, the quality of eggs starts deteriorating after 35 years of age. If you freeze the eggs now, you’ll no longer need to worry about sexual intercourse later. It is mainly when you are close to that age or have been notified by the best IVF specialist in Delhi NCR about the poor quality of your eggs. Concerns regarding cancer or any other disease are also included.

Cons of Egg Freezing

In egg freezing, there are higher risks and side effects due to egg retrieval, fertility medications, and eventual IVF treatment. Nausea, painful ovaries, cramps, and potentially more severe side effects like dehydration and blood clotting are adverse effects that one might suffer due to injectable drugs.

Is Egg Freezing Costly?

The egg-freezing process is less costly in the long term. However, this doesn’t mean freezing the eggs is inexpensive. A cycle of egg freezing is still likely to cost around 6 to 16 lakh. It entirely depends on your fertility testing, medications, and storage costs.

There can be an added cost of lab fertilisation that may increase the price by many thousands of bucks. Although you want to thaw the stored eggs later, you’ll have more time in saving for the added costs associated with the treatment.

How Long Are The Eggs Kept Frozen?

Eggs can be frozen endlessly without becoming weak using the high-tech egg freezing techniques offered by Benison IVF clinic in Delhi. In reality, the law to prolong the storage limit to 55 years has been recommended in many European countries.

Eggs can be frozen for an infinite period in the US. Hence, time is not an issue if egg retrieval and freezing are carried out correctly.

Chances of Getting Pregnant from an Egg That Has Been Frozen for Many Years

The specialists in IVF retain fertilised eggs that were frozen for more than 14 years. Others have created embryos successfully from eggs preserved for over ten years. This fertilisation success for other women is enough to prove that your risk of becoming pregnant with frozen eggs is not affected by the number of years you wait.

Ideal Age for Egg Retrieval

You can go for egg retrieval when you are still fertile at any point in life. But, according to research, egg retrieval at a younger age raises your odds of having a child down the line. The ideal age for egg retrieval and egg freezing is less than 35 years.

Why Choose Benison IVF Hospital?

Benison IVF Centre is one of the reputable names in the country that offers affordable IVF services. A massive success in various IVF treatments has helped in making us stand out. Our IVF hospital has highly qualified and trained specialists who provide clients with top-grade quality treatment. For more information on our credibility, check out our online reviews.

Are you struggling to conceive even after trying different treatment methods? Reach out to Benison IVF, the best IVF clinic in Delhi, today! Directly contact our team to book your appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What should one avoid during egg freezing?

During ovarian stimulation, one must avoid exercises that tremble your pelvis to safeguard your ovaries. It will expand in size as the follicles grow. One must also quit caffeine, alcoholic beverages, medicines, and herbal supplements.

Q. How many eggs are retrieved for egg freezing?

For a woman who is about to reach 35 years or less than 35 years, it is best to freeze at least 12 to 15 eggs for a likelihood of one child. The number rises as the woman grows.

Q. Where are frozen eggs stored?

Once the eggs are harvested, they undergo vitrification. It is a way of swiftly putting eggs into a deep freeze. The eggs are kept in liquid nitrogen tanks inside an embryology laboratory.

Q. What should one not eat following an egg retrieval?

One should avoid inflammatory foods like fried foods, foods rich in refined carbs, red meat, processed foods, and sugar foods. They must also avoid having caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee and allergenic foods.

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