Benison IVF – Infertility Specialist

Pregnancy is one of the most joyous and exhausting experiences for many couples at the same time. The body of a woman goes through physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. Expecting mothers are curious about their bodies during pregnancy and also about the process of development of their babies. The 9-month term of pregnancy is distributed into 3 trimesters- each trimester lasts up to 3 months.

In the article we will talk about the First trimester of pregnancy, what changes mothers go through, and what are the dos and don’ts during the first trimester of pregnancy.

All About The First Trimester Of Pregnancy

The news of pregnancy can come as a pleasant surprise for many couples. The first trimester lasts up to the 12th week of pregnancy. Many changes happen during this trimester. It is considered one of the most important phases of pregnancy.

What Are Some Of The Changes Mothers Go Through?

Although everybody is different and so are the experiences of a woman during her pregnancy. In the first trimester, a woman can go through the following changes-

  • Early morning sickness- one of the most common experiences during pregnancy is nausea and vomiting. Every woman might experience this differently. These can be mild, or severe. Never take any medicine for vomiting, on your own. It is always advisable to ask the doctor about how to navigate. The doctor will prescribe the medicine accordingly.

  • Spotting- women might experience cases of light spotting, particularly in the initial period of pregnancy. Sometimes, this can be an indication of the implantation of an embryo in the uterus.

  • Tenderness of breasts- pregnancy makes adjustments to the hormonal levels in the body. Soreness and tenderness of the breasts are common signs of pregnancy. The tenderness is triggered by hormonal changes in the body.

  • Cravings-in the period of pregnancy a woman’s body may experience cravings towards certain kinds of food, also the preferences of food may change during this time. Although cravings are harmless, women must check before eating anything toxic or junk. A well-balanced nutritious and healthy diet should be adopted.

  • Change in the habits of urination- As the baby develops inside the uterus, it may lead to pressure on your urinary bladder from within. This would result in the regular urge to urinate more often.

  • Tiredness- pregnancy is tiring and demanding as one body is growing inside another. The process of baby development inside the womb might be exhausting, thus leading to fatigue during the first three months.

  • Vaginal Discharge- Vgainal discharge is a most common and natural experience in pregnant women.

  • Constipation- constipation is experienced by many women during the first trimester of pregnancy. High levels of progesterone hormone released tend to slow down the digestive system.

The body of a pregnant woman hosts a growing baby for the next nine months. So multiple changes both internally and externally can be witnessed. Heartburn, mood swings, and increased weight are some of the changes a woman can undergo. The woman can also expect an upset tummy, headaches, nausea, and many others.

What Is The Process Of Developing A Baby In The First Trimester?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, fertilization of the eggs occurs resulting in an embryo formation. It is the period for laying the foundation for the growth of the baby. In this trimester the organs of the baby start to develop like-

Bones- the bones of the child’s legs, arms, hands, and feet begin growing by 6 weeks

Heart- the heart first develops as a tube and then begins beating

Sense of touching- this is said that touch receptors are formed in the period.

Digestive system- the intestines of the baby begin to form by week 8.

Brain- during the first trimester the development of the brain limbs takes place

Apart from this, the fetus acquires many senses including taste and eyesight with hair and nails also beginning to grow.

What Are The Dos And Don’ts During The First Trimester Of Pregnancy?


  • Follow a healthy and nutritious diet

  • Exercise daily under professional guidance

  • Visit the doctor regularly and follow your gynecologist

  • Maintain good hygiene

  • Consume prenatal vitamins as advised

  • Sleep well and rest


  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco products

  • Never consume undercooked seafood or meat

  • Avoid junk food

  • Never engage in rough intercourse

  • Do not lift heavy weights

  • Do not take unnecessary stress

  • Do not take any medicine without your doctor’s consultation

What Are The Tips To Help With Nausea And Vomiting?

  • Avoid sudden movements, when in bed or while sitting down. Changing positions gradually can be helpful.

  • Eat small meals throughout the day. High-protein foods like eggs, cheese, yogurt, and meats must be included in every meal.

  • Increasing fluid intake

When To Consult The Doctor?

Whenever you realize or suspect that you are pregnant the first visit should be planned. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, consult regularly with the doctor as advised. Some people require follow-up visits to the hospital more frequently than others. This may differ from person to person. Apart from constant follow ups consult the gynecologist or doctor if you go through anything unusual. Below are certain points that you must note and visit the doctor immediately.

  • Heavy spotting or bleeding is not usual. If a woman has any major pain or bleeding then she should visit the doctor as soon as possible.

  • Normal vaginal discharge is white, but if you ever notice that your discharge is yellow or has a foul smell you must take the doctor’s advice

  • Excessive vomiting

  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen

  • Painful urination

  • Any other form of illness

The pregnant woman must consult the doctor regularly. Regular follow-ups and discussions are needed as per the guidance from the doctor. Follow the doctor’s advice and don’t wait to seek advice even on the silly questions you may think.


The first trimester of pregnancy usually lasts from week 1 to week 12. This time is crucial as the pregnancy has begun and child development is taking place. The good news of pregnancy can come as a surprise for many. Many changes happen during the first week of the trimester. It is usually considered as one of the most important phases of pregnancy.

If you have any query or confusion related to pregnancy, male infertility, or infertility in general, IVF or ICSI then contact us at Benison IVF and Healthcare Clinic and begin your treatment.

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